pics of us in the train, before reaching bergen. =) our train ride was 14 hours in total. 7 to oslo, 7 to bergen. we love NSB, norway's train service, compared to swedish service, because we get free blankets. ok, maybe its night rides, thats why.

we've reached! kangwei met us at the train station, brought us to his hostel room. and what greeted us was a rainbow at his window. =) good sign, if you ask me. =) Liren and him fed us really well for lunch with reindeer meat and salmon, and kangwei brought us hiking. (GOSH) hiking is energy consuming, and we still have no idea why norwegians love to hike. apparently they can be found in mountain tops every weekend. although it was tiring to be hiking in the so called forest, battling the rain like 6, 7 times, crossing that ice-cold stream which gushes down at 10000000KW/min (..ok, fine.), the view on the mountain was breath-taking: guess, it was worth it. lost lots of calories on the way, i hope.
reached the city centre where there was 1 stall of fish market in operation. haha. fresh crabs and prawns went out of the sea and into our stomachs. great. yum yum. .. like how i told someone "it tasted better than any chilli crab or bahkwa in the world combined"
the day carried on with us fighting the elements of nature: wind and rain. we were practically shivering at night. it was quite miserable. haha.. but we manage to have a good dinner at cafe opera, where the guys ate reindeer stew, and we shared some chicken and salmon dishes which tasted heavenly.
the night ended with a run to the bus stop, where we passed the landmark fountain in bergen. while running, li ren said in the most monotonous voice ever " if you want to know how strong the wind is blowing, look at the fountain."
and lo and behold, the fountain which was suppose to blow 90degrees straight up, was bent at 30 degrees.
and when I see the fountain subsequently the next 2 days, i'll burst out laughing.
Day 3:

it was fjords, fjords and more fjords. also, it was wind wind and more wind. hahaha.. oh! and of course! we met andrea at flam!!!! =D

Day 4:

museums, museums and more museums. haha.. bergen's national museum is sooooooo amazing! they have like bones of all the whales in the world laaaah. ( i think). its really what a museum whould look like.
well, i guess basically thats it. =) copenhagen soon.
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