here's what happened during our farewell exchange dinner:

the hong kong girls and us minus yiwen

hoa mai, wen and me

Tu, jamie and me

the Asian table plus a swiss :) haha

the view

margault and us: neighbours
and the craziness starts from here:
guido, me, victor and aya

wah. contentment. hahahaha

michael looks good with short hair! :D

aya has the steadiest hands on this earth- my fav pic! :)

plaster face really plaster face. hahahaha
jeremy and me

French Charm has a new definition:
antoine and me

Christoph (THE Viennese) and me

jesús and me

violaine :)

Tomas and us: everybody say "PATATA"

WIlliam and us

my friendliest Swedish friend: Karin :)

The Italian that never fails to scare me: Guido

Tu, jamie, asier and me :)

wen, uncle Kang and me. :) hope he comes to NUS! :)

love his backview

small victor and me :)

the night view along drottingnatan :)
There. thats the end of the exchange term in stockholm.
term paper, and then its edinburgh, glasgow, paris paris paris, gothenberg, ebsjerg, aarhus, copenhagen and finally, home :)
term paper, and then its edinburgh, glasgow, paris paris paris, gothenberg, ebsjerg, aarhus, copenhagen and finally, home :)
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